Master Taíno founded the Academy in October 2001 and led the program until his retirement in December 2019.
The following is his message upon retirement:
A chapter is closing, and it’s time to move on…
“And now the end is near and so I face the final curtain”
Early in my journey as a Master and being overwhelmed with the educational opportunities that was granted to me at the turn of the century and millennium, I came up with the idea of opening my home in order to reach out and educate kinky folks on Master/slave relationships. That has been a key part of my life journey: I discovered or learn something, and I have to figure out how to pass it to others.
Following that, I played with the idea of creating a small “slave Training weekend” to be held at my own home. When the idea crossed my mind, I thought I could do it by myself, but as I shared it with other friends, several loved the idea and wanted to join. So, I created the general concept, a curriculum of classes and a faculty.
The first event took place in October 2001. We were supposed to have the maximum of five male slaves but then 9/11 happened and we ended up with only two. The next month we had a second one with three students. By the following summer we had the first Master Training Weekend with five Masters.
When I founded MTTA in order to produce the Master/slave Conference in 2004, the Academy was formally transferred to the new non-profit organization. By 2005, the first female joined the Master class. Finally, in 2006, we opened the Academy formally to females having the first female slave weekend, and fully integrating the Master Weekend as well. At the same time, we figure out the ways to accommodate trans folks in all of our events.
The name of the event has also evolved from Master Taíno’s Training Weekend, to Master Taíno’s Training Academy to finally in 2009 to MTTA Academy. Our idea was to divorce the Academy from my person and fully relate it to the organization, to the MTTA brand, because I knew the day will come that I will have to move on or no longer will be around.
And that day has arrived. Just as the Academy turned 18 years old in 2019 and becomes an “adult”, the time has come for me to move on and let others to follow on my steps and keep the Academy alive and thriving. I am very comfortable with my decision for many reasons. I think I have done my job. Now others in MTTA have to continue the task without having to wait for me to pass away or get too old. It’s the right time.
I just turned 69 and want to plan the rest of my life with new adventures and some time for myself and other little things that make me as happy. Freeing myself from the schedule of the Academy allows me to do that. I feel good. I feel accomplished. I know that sometimes I will feel a bit sad or nostalgic, but I know deep in my heart that is the best decision for me, for MTTA as an organization and for the Academy as an event.
For 18 years, the Academy held a total of 89 events including 61 for slaves and 28 for Masters. We have reached to 645 participants, including 367 slaves (both males and females) and 278 Masters of both genders. I have been the only individual present in each and every one of those events. To look back now and to think that the crazy idea I had in the summer of 2001, has touched and made a difference in so many people’s lives is beyond me. It has been a lot of work, a lot of sacrifices but extremely worthy. And it has brought me a lot of happiness. And that’s what life is all about.
Now starting in 2020, a new leadership will take over and continue the journey of reaching out, educating and making a difference in other people’s lives. Nevertheless, I will continue as president of the MTTA Board and as the Executive Director of the non-profit organization.
I have everlasting gratitude to each and everyone in the faculty and staff that served at the Academy during the past 18 years. All of them in many ways contributed significantly to the success of the Academy throughout all these years and made it happened. In particular I want to remember my two closest collaborators in this journey, Lady Lynette and Master David Cook. For about a decade, they were instrumental in helping me to develop the Academy to reach a greater level. Unfortunately, they both are not physically with us today but always will be remembered with immense gratitude and love. Like any other organization, we experienced a crisis that put at risk several years ago the existence and future of the Academy. Lady Lynette was the savior then. Without her, the Academy won’t exist nowadays. And from the stars, she will continue watching for the success of the Academy she gave so much from herself with so much passion, love and dedication.
At the end of the Master Weekend #28 on November 3rd, 2019, after 18+ years, I bid farewell to my baby, the MTTA Academy.
I leave the Academy in the hands of Lady O as its new director, slave Jenna as the new deputy director, Master Bean as the Resident Master, and the rest of the current faculty and staff and those who will join down the road.
It has been a great journey!
It has been a great ride!
It has been all good!
Time to move on!
Time for new adventures!
~Master Taíno